Computer Science Ph.D. Student Handbook
Department admission requirement for non-major students
GRE are not required TOEFL or IELTS are required for international students You must complete the following pre-requisite courses
- MATH 1823 Calculus I
- MATH 2423 Calculus II
- MATH 3333 Linear Algebra
- MATH 4753 Applied Statistical Methods (Alternative: ISE 3293)
- CS 1323 Intro to Computer Programming for Programmers, or CS 1321 Java for Programmers, or CS 1324 Intro to Computer Programming for Non-Programmers
- CS 2334 Programming Structures/Abstractions (prerequisite: CS 1323, or CS 1321, or CS 1324, and MATH 1523 or higher)
- CS 2413 Data Structures (Also covered by DSA/CS 5005)
- CS 2813 Discrete Structures (Also covered by DSA/CS 5005)
- DSA/CS 5005 (covers both CS 2413 and CS 2813) (prerequisite: CS 2334)
- CS 2613 Computer Organization
- CS 3113 Operating Systems
- CS 3823 Theory of Computation
Doctoral Coursework
Mandatory courses:
- CS 4413 Algorithm Analysis
- CS 4513 Database Management Systems
4 of the following 9 courses must be taken: - CS 4613 Computer Architecture
- CS 5013 Artificial Intelligence
- CS 5033 Machine Learning
- CS 5113 Operating Systems Theory
- CS 5133 Data Networks
- CS 5173 Computer Security
- CS 5213 Software Engineering Processes
- CS 5473 PDN Programming
- CS 5813 Formal Languages
One presentation course from the follwoing list must be taken: - CS 5033 Machine Learning
- CS 507 Artificial Neural Networks and Evolution
- CS 5083 or CS 5593 Data Mining
- CS 5093 Visual Analytics
- CS 5143 Network Design & Management
- CS 5443 Advanced Discrete Optimization on Networks
- CS 5513 Advanced Database Management
- CS 5813 Formal Languages
- CS 5970 Introduction to Research in CS
Students with course credit obtained elsewhere may petition the graduate committee for a waiver from taking some or all required courses.
Additional Coursework
- Beyond the required 18 credit hours (6 courses) a minijmum of 27 to a max of 42 semester hours of additional graduate coursework is necessary beyond the B.S.
- Total credit hours: 90 or more hours after B.S.
- At least 30 hours and a maximum of 45 hours of dissertation research (CS 6980).
- All courses must be taken for graduate credit (“G” prefix in the general catalog, no 3000 level courses or lower).
- All PhD coursework must be taken within 6 years of admission to the Graduate College.
- Count no more than 12 credit hours in CS G4xxx level courses.
- At most 3 hours of independent studies (CS 5990) can be counted toward the minimum 27 hours of coursework.
- External courses and transfer credit must be approved by the advisory committee.
- No more than 6 credit hours in CS 5970 courses will be permitted, even with change of subject.
- Maintain continuous enrollment of at least 2 credit hours of CS 6980 (Research for Doctoral Dissertation) after initial enrollment.
- Attend at least 5 seminars/conferences through the duration of the program.
Timing Note: earliest initial enrollment of CS 6980 is during the semester in which the General Examination is taken.
Follow this [link] ( to find the official OU ACR form which is to be submitted through the OU Graduate College’s online portal. After submitting the ACR to the graduate college, it should be approved by the graduate college, CS liason, and your committee members. As of recent (~2020), there is no official meeting required with the committee, but a meeting is recommended so you can get know your committee members who will play a role in determining your fate as a doctoral candidate.
The ACR should be completed ASAP, but there is no deadline. It is suggested that the ACR form is completed by the end of your first year in the doctoral program.
General Exam
The general exam should be taken during/after the semester in which required coursework prescribed in advisory conference is completed. The Application for the General Exam must be submitted before any portion of the exam is held. When approved, the Graduate College will notify the Authority Report Form for the exam until you receive the Authority Report Form. Both the written and oral portions must be completed during the same semester.